Birchfield Primary School

Birchfield Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7HU


What training and development is done by staff supporting those with SEND?


All staff in school have received professional development training in inclusive practice and providing for the needs of all children in our care.



Many staff are Team Teach trained.



All staff have Level 1 Autism Education Trust training.

Specific members of staff are trained at Level 2.

Specific members of staff are trained in Visual Communication and PECS.


Speech and Language

Our in house Speech and Language Therapist runs regular staff training sessions.  When a need has been identified, she works with staff to train them to deliver the recommended programme of support.



Our HLTAs and Teaching Assistants are highly trained in specific interventions including Emotional Literacy, Little Wandle (Phonics) interventions and Beat Dyslexia interventions.