What support will there be for my child of young person’s overall well –being and social, emotional and behavioural development?
The Designated Persons for Child Protection at Birchfield Primary School are:
Ms E Bratby (Deputy Head)
Mrs M Harrison (Assistant Head)
Mrs K Stephenson (SENDCo -From Autumn 2)
Mrs S Threlfall (EYFS Leader – currently on maternity leave)
Mrs S Hirst (Head Teacher)
Our Senior Leadership Team, are the first point of contact for pastoral, social and emotional needs.
Birchfield Primary School is part of the Morley Cluster Children’s Services, who provide access to Counselling Services, Targeted Mental Health Services and other Social , Emotional and Family support, should the school request this.
Some children with medical needs will have a Care Plan, detailing their care requirements.
Birchfield Primary School has a structured programme of Personal, Social, Health Education for all children.