Birchfield Primary School

Birchfield Avenue, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7HU


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Click these links to rehearse your Geography skills:


The Geographical Association

WWF UK Conservation


Fun Geography Games



"Geography underpins a lifelong "conversation" about the earth as the home of humankind." -  Geography Association

What is Geography?

Get them outside

Explore your local environment

Offer a choice

Go somewhere new

Reflect, revisit and review

Access through maps and compasses

Photographs and video clips

Hook them in

You can make geography happen - make it fun!


The skills we teach: Location Knowledge

                                      Place Knowledge

                                      Human Geography

                                      Physical Geography

                                      Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

At Birchfield Primary School we will develop curiosity and fascination about our incredible Earth, whether it's the environment and its volatile nature or the diverse societies which exist around us. Our Geography curriculum poses exciting questions to ignite children's curiosity and wonder about the world around them. 

As Geographers, children investigate their local environment through fieldwork, developing map reading skills and learning how to use a compass. They explore diverse environments such as the rainforest and desert. They use atlases and technology to develop their sticky knowledge about the world's continents, countries, cities and key physical features. 

As a whole school we look at countries around the world and learn about the similarities and differences between British culture and others throughout the school year. We run a cultures week each year and participate in Earth Day projects. 

At Birchfield we also aim to instill a sense of environmental responsibility and encourage the children to understand environmental issues at a local and global level. We work closely with the Funzi and Bodo charity, giving children an important insight into life in less developed countries.  

Click the link to complete our Birchfield 'Go Green' challenge:

'Go Green' Challenge


Climate Change

Running through all of our Geography work is the idea that we are motivating and inspiring our children to find out about their world, both physical and human, so that they can take an active part in contributing to and protecting the world as they grow up.

At Birchfield we understand the importance in teaching children about worldwide issues current leaders are facing. Climate change is at the forefront and we see it as our responsibility to ensure our children not only hold the knowledge to understand the problem but we encourage them to actively participate in questioning solutions and begin to take actions themselves. Some of the challenges involved in climate change may feel big and scary for children; we offer a safe, guided space to explore and reflect on what is happening in the world, developing a sense of shared responsibility and building upon their understanding and feeling of empowerment.

Top 10 tips to support climate change at home:

  1. Avoid using the car for short journeys – cars are more polluting than other forms of transport such as bikes, walking or public transport. 
  2. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – sustainable shopping is key to helping the climate. Make sure any unwanted items are either reused in a useful way or donated to a local charity shop.
  3. Look at reducing your consumption of meat one or two days of the week – the meat industry is a huge contributor to global warming. There are now lots of meat free alternatives in supermarkets – test one out and see if you like it!
  4. Use energy such as heating, electricity and water wisely – changing from energy efficient light bulbs and unplugging electronics that are not in use can save you money too!
  5. Consider growing some of your own fruit and vegetables – the summer months are perfect for growing tomatoes, strawberries among other foods. This will reduce the carbon used to transport goods to a supermarket and the non-recyclable plastic used to package them.
  6. Try to use reusable items such as shopping bags and water bottles - you can now get reusable sandwich bags and cosmetic products such as cotton pads.
  7. Take a shower instead of a bath – baths use a lot more water!
  8. Reduce the food wastage in your household – buy only what you definitely need. You could always create a compost area to turn wasted food into fresh soil.
  9. Spend more time outdoors exploring nature – understanding and respecting nature is key to helping climate change. Maybe you could organise a litter pick whilst you’re exploring?
  10. Use your voice - help educate friends and family on how to be more environmentally friendly!
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